Sunday, May 28, 2006

Last weekend I went to Mobara in Chiba prefecture withy the people in the Hotel Kenkyuukai. We left Tokyo station around 3o’clock and by the time we arrived at the hotel it was almost 5o’clock.
Soon after we arrived it was supper time. I was too tired to eat so I only ate a little.
When it was 9o’clock we had a small party that the second and third graders held to invite the New comers in the club.
It was very fun.
I was awake till 6 in the morning so around the time of breakfast I was reeeeeeely tired!
The part I liked most about this trip was the part I went to the sea in the morning(
When it was still dark)and played fireworks. It was very beautiful, though it was cold and cloudy.
The next day I was late for school but I had a nice weekend.

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