Sunday, October 08, 2006

Happy Birthday♪♪

It was my sister's twentythird birthday Two days ago.

so after everyone came home that evening we gave her birthday presents and after that we went for dinner to a korian restourante.It was delicious and we had a very nice time.
I was happy to see my sister happy.
My sister is a very bright person and she talkes a lot so it is always fun to be around her.we often go out together and I have so much fun with her.
I think my sister is the best sister in the world!!

The next day I made a Birthday cake for my sister.
to tell the truth she had to help me with it because I don't like cooking!
The cake we made was OK but it was too huge and creamy to finish...
I hope she liked it!!

P.S My stomach is really hurting today...I hope it's not the cake.I told you I don't like cooking!!!


MIHO said...

Hi,Shiori!The cake was...OK( ゚∀゚)b
I'm going there as a trip.But I'm not sure if I'll be able to go there next summer.It's just a plan.

MIHO said...
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